Nun Betta Than This Team

Hey, I’m Bridget! I’m a junior English major with a minor in marketing from Pennsylvania. Before my freshman year at Catholic, I knew I wanted to get involved around campus.  Even though I was part of a number of clubs in high school, I wanted to challenge myself in college by joining a club that I knew nothing about.  I had no idea what that would be, but I was open to possibilities.

As it turned out, the perfect club would actually find me. I had just finished my homework for the next day and was getting ready to have a chill night in my room when a group of girls on my floor walked by my door. One of them poked her head in and asked if I wanted to join them at the second ultimate frisbee practice of the season. I had never played frisbee before, but I remembered my promise to myself to try something new, so I joined them.

Little did I know that walking to that practice would be one of the best decisions I made at Catholic.  

Our first win of the fall 2019 season!

As a newbie on the team, I was pretty bad and, quite frankly, I’m still not great.  Still, all of the older members on the team were so supportive and encouraging. Everyone was so welcoming and pushed me to work harder and, more importantly, to really love the sport.

Our ultimate frisbee team, Nun Betta, is a club sport at Catholic, which means each athlete can join with whatever commitment level they please. Some members come to every practice and tournament and want to be very involved with the team. Others show up to practice when they are free just to blow off some steam at the end of the day and to socialize. If you want to play competitively, we attend local tournaments in the fall and take weekend trips to tournaments held further away from DC. 

The game is easy to learn and understand, especially because our coach, Steve, is so helpful and explains every rule, play, and position at every step of the game. Also, we have a lot of fun! We take dance breaks during half time, create cheers on the sidelines, volunteer together for CUA Days of Service, and even organize karaoke nights.   

Nun Betta volunteering at the 2020 Martin Luther King Day of Service.

I cannot emphasize enough how much I have come to love this sport and team.  Joining Nun Betta has been one of the highlights of my time at Catholic, and as a rising junior and treasurer of the team, I can’t wait to see what new members and memories this year will bring.

–Bridget G.

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