Academic Spotlight: Media and Communication Studies

Anyone out there looking to join the massively expanding field of media and communications? Maybe you haven’t chosen a major yet and think this might be the right one for you? Well, current sophomore, Rajhad, is here to answer some commonly asked questions about his major, Media and Communication Studies!

What is your favorite class that you’ve taken so far in the Media and Communications department?

Introduction to Media and Communication Studies has been my favorite. I took this class my freshman year and it has remained as one of my favorite classes that I have taken at Catholic. In the class, we learned about a variety of topics like experimental film forms, different animation styles, different aspects of cinematography, editing techniques, and genre conventions. I would recommend this class even if you are not a Media Studies major, as it is informative from the first week and it will have an effect on the way you interact with visual media for the rest of your life. 

What minors or certificate programs should I pair with the Media major?

The Media and Communication Studies department offers a minor in Writing and Rhetoric, as well as a certificate program in Video Production and Digital Storytelling. I am actually taking a course this semester that covers the basics of video production and editing, and while it’s a course outside of my comfort zone, it’s a class that I always look forward to attending.  The Writing and Rhetoric minor blends traditional media courses with English and Philosophy courses.  

What can you do with a degree in Media and Communication Studies?

There is a wide array of options for a media and communications major to choose from after graduation. The media courses provided at Catholic help students hone in on which option is best for them by providing practical experiences. Interested in working in film or television in some capacity? There are over 20 elective courses dealing with those subjects that a student can choose from. The same concept applies for other potential interests like digital editing, journalism, or even radio broadcasting. The last thing I want to mention is that the program allows students enough freedom to potentially minor or even double major in different fields. I’m personally planning on minoring in politics, but other media students I know are minoring in different subjects from history to business, and even German! 

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